A core dificulty among anti-rational or anti-tech thinkers is a conflict between the true and the good. This is a non-trivial issue.
Most of us can easily side with the truth, while we sit in comfort, but we should seriously consider and understand that the schizm between truth and the good often arises from conditions of great adversity. Our aliegence to the truth is not really tested until great dificulties arise. That’s why we have to understand the problem from all angles because, at some point, we will be aproaching it from a different angle.
There can be no good that is not based on truth. The true is validated by what exists. A person can carry out a heinous act which is not good, but once they have committed that act all future truths and goods must derive from a world in which that injust act was committed.
The real world already presents scenarios which can occasionally make it dificult to accept the truth. It is already a desparate situation, because any failure to accept the truth immediately begins a detachment process with will require extra effort to overcome later. This is the process called “correction”, or becoming “right” with the true reality.
Maintaining attachment to reality, to the truth, can be explored by comparing the sampling rates of driving video-games. Older video games with a slower refresh rate are more difficult to avoid crashing.
The need for “real time” feedback is a profound insite into man’s relationship with reality. “The truth” is not a single eternal diktat from the author of reality. It is a rich, high definition data-stream. There are “truths”, durable generalization that help us integrate new facts with previously ingested facts, but none of those can override the current data-stream.