Speech Rights
Speech rights are too often couched within a framework of allowing a person to tell others what they think.
That is certainly a component of speech rights, especially in any supposed democracy, but it is far from the only consideration or concern.
The Three Needs of Speech Rights
- The right to hear speech of others.
- The right to speak self-formulated truth statements to other people or populations of people.
- The value of speach within a society is that it provides a method to achieve common knowledge with others, so that your successful understandings can be replicated and amplified in others and by others.
- The right to have your self-formulated truth statements error-checked by others.
- The act of pronouncing aloud is so important and potent to troubleshooting that it is given a name “rubber ducky” troubleshooting, and it often works even when no listener is present.
- Constructing criticism of your stated articulations by others is a primary source of instruction.
The Lie of Collective Consciousness
Advocates of “collective consciousness” undermine all three of these rights, which are the bases of individual minds. The real goal of “collective consciousness” is not to allow selves to integrate. It is an attempt to integrate them by denying the existence of selves, by obliterating the “theory of mind” of others.