Rights must be distinguished from arbitrary claims on declared needs. They cannot exist without a self-consistent statement on how they are to be established and applied.
The primary principle of rights is that they are self-adopting.
The principle of property implies that rights are applied where it is proper for them to be applied. within the pepper context and onto the proper range.
This, further, implies a method by with to deal with the improper policies: make them applied first onto their proponents.
People who advocate the imposition of a policy should be challenged to show that they have first applied that policy onto themselves.
The first step is to state the policy, as I am doing in this document, and the second step is to demonstrate that it is good to first apply the policy onto the self, as I am advocating by publishing this document. This is the principle of political honesty.
Continuing this transition from speculation to application of policy, improper policies should be persecutable. By the some a policy is applied broadly each proponent out the policy should have been asked to certify that they policy they wish to be applied onto others has first been applicable to themselves and applied into themselves, to show that it is a good policy, a valid policy. This should give ample time to make minute adjustments to the policy and to work through it in fine detail.
Attempts to push through improper policies should be exposed early as improprieties and a direct reflection of the character of the proponent.
State institutions which are currently in existence and which are found to be improper should be applied onto themselves to dismantle themselves.